Feeling overwhelmed by all that reading?

Double your reading speed

whilst retaining more

in this 60 minute workshop

Is the Brilliant Way for me?

  • You read regularly for work or study
  • Sometimes suffer from information overload
  • You often lose your concentration
  • You want to regain control of your time
  • You want to retain what your read
  • You want to be able to focus on-demand

You have a finite amount of time,

The Brilliant Way gives you time back.

Every single day of your life!

Why should you take this course?

Having been taught to read when you were about 5, you now spend a large amount of time using your least efficient skill. This proven training enables YOU to develop a faster and more effective way of reading. You will reap benefits in personal productivity and efficiency.

As a direct result of attending this workshop you will:


Improve your productivity and personal effectiveness


At least double, even triple your reading speed, crucially without any loss of accuracy


Concentrate more and dramatically reduce mind-wandering


Supercharge your memory and comprehension when reading

I'm already the best reader, thanks..!

Why do we never think about improving reading as a skill?

Most of us are taught to read around the age of 5 or 6. Like a driving test, once you have

“passed” you are then left to your own devices. Much like driving we

pick up bad habits and renforce them. Ask most people if they consider themselves a

good driver they will say YES.

Contrast that with reading. Be honest with yourself.

Ask anyone you know. And then ask yourself, if you think you could improve:

  • Your Reading Speed
  • Your Comprehension
  • Your Retention

9.9 times out of 10 the answer will be a definite YES.

Does your mind wander? Do you lose concentration and forget much of what you have just read? Do

you also find it hard to read from screens?

Don't worry you are not alone...

HAS YOUR MIND WANDERED? 😊 Let's fix that!

The Brilliant Way has helped thousands of individuals across the world to improve their reading speed

and effectiveness, crucially with no loss of accuracy.

  • Faster Reading
  • Move Effectiveness
  • Improved Accuracy

Reading is a skill. A skill that we don't measure or train!

This is crazy considering we read day in, day out.

By improving your reading speed and comprehension you could save up to 2 hours per day!

Time Management teaches you to manage a finite amount of time more effectively.

The Brilliant Way workshop will actually give you back time; every day and every week for life!

Some of our Corporate Clients have even dropped Time Management from their training as a result of the timesaving and productivity gains the Brilliant Way has given them.

What's included in this workshop

  • The Brilliant Way starter workshop
  • Access to this one off event
  • 60 minutes LIVE training by Zoom

  • You will have your reading speed and comprehension accurately measured (personalised and privately)
  • Get a Personalised Benchmark of your levels before and after the event
  • By the end of the session you will have witnessed the art of the possible
  • By the end of the workshop you will be armed with practical, useable techniques that will have an immediate impact on your daily life.
  • Recording sent directly to you if can't make it in person

Just $67

Meet your Trainer

Greg Tyndall lives and breathes reading!

A recognised expert in this field, Greg will not only teach you how to read faster and more effectively he will also show you how your mind works when concentrating and how you can harness the power of your memory.

Greg’s recent clients include the BBC, Boots, UK The Government, Credit Suisse, Roche Group and Morgan Stanley.

In law firms Greg works from partner level to trainee, delivering both training sessions and one-to-one coaching in


Experiences of our students

Madison Ros

I just wish I had found you before I spent a fortune on other, not so good, long training courses.

Agnes Erry

This was so worth it, the whole thing has been packed with knowledge and energy and I am now so excited using the tools. Thank you all!

Helen Ortiz

Everything I have seen in the 60 minute class has been pure GOLD.

Thanks for everything.

Marcus Johnston

Thanks for the course. These materials and videos are so valuable.

This is by far the most valuable program I've seen in my life.

Celena Griffin

Watching your course has completely changed my outlook. It's helped me just be me and to just keep moving forward. I am so happy.

Chilla Reed

This is such an amazing experience...How much value will I receive when signing up for his full program? This is like hands-on classes :). Amazing! Thank you!


Satisfied Students


Years of experience


Words per minute


Improvement in Reading Speed - Guaranteed!

Is there a Money Back Guarantee?

Yes. We Guarantee that you will double your reading speed without losing any comprehesion. No quesitons asked. You will be assessed before and after the workshop.

So you have nothing to lose!

Will this work for me?

Yes. The only thing that is stopping this working for you is you not doing it. You may have doubts that you'll be able to focus or retain the Brilliant Way but by the end of the workshop you'll be good to go.

I consider myself to be a fast reader already, will this still work?

Oh yes. The doubling of reading speed is applicable to any starting reading speed. If you are already

a fast reader the chances are you might be practising some of the techniques without realising it.

Refine these techniques and the sky is the limit for you!

Is this a skimming or skipping technique?

No. Speed reading has a bad name, it suggests skimming, skipping and missing content all for the sake of speed. You will read faster but also more effectively after the course. You will also still read every single word on the page.

Working with lawyers, scientists, engineers, biochemists and research analysts to name but a few, we would simply not last five minutes if we encouraged missing out content.

Does this work for technical documents/contracts/tech specs etc?

The skills developed on the course are applicable to any reading material. We work with dozens of

law firms, engineering firms and big pharmaceuticals, all reading technical information of some sort

or another and the techniques they develop simply help them to do this more effectively. On the

course we show you a 4-step process to read any technical document, even when the subject matter

is not your specialist area.

Will I lose comprehension and accuracy as a result of reading faster?

Quite the reverse. The general perceived wisdom with reading is that you need to slow down if you

are not understanding the content. It is a paradox that quite the opposite is true, most people are

using the reading techniques they developed at around 5 or 6 years of age and as a result their bright

and intelligent adult mind goes wandering because it is bored. Within reason speed will give you

focus and with greater focus you naturally get greater comprehension.

How long will my new reading skills last for?

It takes between 21-30 days to fully develop a new habit and make this the norm. By practising after

the Workshop (there really is no excuse as we all read every day) you can make this a lifeskill which you can use everyday for the rest of your life.

Do I have to read out loud during the course?

You would be amazed at how often this gets asked!

It seems to one of people’s biggest fears, perhaps it is to do with that feeling you got in the pit of your stomach when it was your turn to read to the class for the first time at school! There is no exposure on this course, it is a private process and your are playing against yourself throughout.

What about reading from screens?

Covered. In full. A robust module on why it is difficult to read from screens and the best of our

expertise on how to overcome or at least minimise the damage from these challenges. Click here to

read a small selection of tips and techniques for reading on screen that you can put into action right


Will this work if I am dyslexic?

The techniques taught in this programme can be very beneficial to dyslexia sufferers.

“Thanks so much for all your help. I have to admit that as dyslexic, I did not believe you when you

said you would double my reading speed, I really didn’t think I was capable of reading quickly so I

wanted to say a huge thank you!”

Joseph, Lawyer


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